
This page contains links to scholarly and other articles that I have written. It is a work in progress. I will be adding more links and articles over time, so check back often.

Law Review Articles:

Can a Merchant Please God? (This is an article discussing the church’s historic view of commercial activity and suggesting that the goodness of just commercial activity could form a foundation for a comprehensive, law-of-nature based commercial law jurisprudence.)

LLCs are the New King of the Hill (This is an article detailing empirical research that conclusively demonstrates that the LLC is the dominant form of new business entity in America.  It also contains very interesting empirical research about how LLCs are taxed.  As the file shows, it was published in the Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law.)

Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta: Do Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 Require a Misstatement or Omission? (Securities law article discusses the Supreme Court case Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta and its implications for Rule 10b-5 jurisprudence.)

“Bright Line,” “Substantial Participation,” or Something Else: Who is a Primary Violator Under Rule 10b-5? (Securities law article discusses the Central Bank decision and its aftermath as the lower courts attempted to define primary violator under rule 10b-5.)

Other Articles:

Is Money Evil?  (This is an article arguing that money is a fundamentally good gift from God.)